TC Food Justice

TCFJ finds donors with excess produce that they wish to donate instead of discard; partner with nearby hunger relief organizations to plan weekly produce drop-offs; and coordinate volunteers to collect, sort, and deliver the food by bike or by car. They serve smaller grocers and hunger relief organizations that have been excluded from traditional, larger-scale food rescue programs. TCFJ delivers food the same or next day, maximizing its quality and likelihood of being consumed. All deliveries operate free of cost to donor and recipient organizations.
Every Meal’s Grow & Give initiative brings together produce from their garden, community garden partners, farmer’s markets, and you! Each week, the collected produce is distributed to children and families in our community throughout the growing season.
Drop off produce donations at Every Meal located at 2723 Patton Road, Roseville, MN 55113 on Mondays and Tuesdays from July 6 – September 30, 2021. Please email the Programs Manager, Christine Weber (, with a brief description of your donation and to arrange a time for drop-off.
Every Meal